To wage war against the spread of the Corona virus, which attacked humanity fiercely and caused the injury and death of millions, the countries of the world needed tools to fight the war, including awareness, sterilizers, masks, and physical and social distancing, until some countries were able to manufacture various vaccines in the hope of protecting humanity from the evils of the virus and stopping its spread and human infection. Jordan was immune from the cross-border arrival of Corona, fences, doors and windows, so it decided early on to engage with it to preserve the health and safety of the citizens. Against the virus, industrial companies, especially the chemical industries and sterilizers, have decided, based on their national, moral, social and health responsibility, to support national efforts by supplying the country with sterilizers and detergents to limit the spread of the virus in order to eliminate it. home service.
Alpha Chemical Industries Company, which has a long history that extends since 1987, and is one of the first chemical companies in the Middle East, took the initiative and proceeded to supply the country with sterilizers and detergents to combat the spread of the virus, based on its belief in the importance of support and assistance and standing in line and trenching the homeland in light of the circumstance it was exposed to, and it was like a soldier The strong, courageous Secretary in giving and making.
"Al-Balad News" news agency met with the company's founder and general manager, Dr. Muhammad Bassam Al-Bitar, who in turn told us about the company's journey in the world of chemical industry nearly 36 years ago, which it started in King Abdullah II Industrial City, affiliated to the Jordan Industrial Estates Company in Sahab, Dr. Al-Bitar has a long scientific and practical experience, which he gained during his work in European countries, and he preferred to transfer, apply and develop what he learned in his most precious homeland “Jordan”.
Dr. Al-Bitar said that the company is registered as the first company in the Middle East region and the only one specialized in the manufacture and production of well drilling foam that fills voids and cracks up to 900 meters below the surface of the earth and closes them automatically, and this material is the first material that the company produced.
Al-Bitar added, "We produce at least (60) types of chemicals within a wide range of detergents and personal care materials, as a wide range of products are produced in different sizes and capacities. The products are also characterized by high quality, as the raw materials, perfumes and extracts used in production are imported." One of the best foreign companies in the world, which guarantees the effectiveness of the products.
The Director General revealed that the company is in the process of obtaining the accreditation of its laboratory internationally, which would enable it to export its products to various countries of the world without the need to examine them in external laboratories.
Dr. Al-Bitar confirmed that the company annually produces about (2000) tons of chemical materials, as 70% of the products are exported to the Gulf countries, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, and the local market is supplied with 30% of the products annually.
He stated that the company was able to obtain the quality mark from the Jordanian Standards and Metrology Organization, because the company is examining production inputs and final products in its laboratory.
He pointed out that the company relies in the process of manufacturing its products on scientific research, and that these products conform to Jordanian specifications and standards and under the supervision of the Food and Drug Corporation.
He pointed to the company's participation in the committees concerned with setting standards for household and industrial detergent products, in addition to training the employees of the Standards Institution
standards, and university and college students to qualify them to enter the Jordanian labor market.
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