Vision and Mission


Alfa Chemicals Manufacturing aims to achieve high quality products through the production of marketing a wide range of chemical products for cleaning and personal care uses, depending on fully automated equipment and distinct competencies, where the company seeks through this to obtain the satisfaction of its customers through the quality and efficiency of its products and a appropriate prices. The company is working to improve its position in the local market where it faces a strong competition.
The Foundation also works to raise the efficiency of its employees constantly to maintain and increase the gains achieved. The Foundation also believes in the need to create new job opportunities, continuous development and research, Keeping pace with progress in industrial technology and studying the needs of the consumer to maintain its position and ensure its continuity in the market.


Alfa Chemicals Manufacturing is a national company specialized in the production of cleaning materials and personal care products ensuring quality and competitive prices through the use of natural environment friendly raw materials, and advanced technology and granting payment facilities to ensure the satisfaction of its customers.